Everyone should get easy access to reasoning
Reasoning is the powerful mechanism to draw conclusions from facts. The Semantic Web contains vast amounts of data, which makes it an interesting source to use with one of several available reasoners.
However, reasoners can feel complicated, making them hard for frequent use. Therefore, this initiative aims to provide a user-friendly reasoning experience in current Web browsers and applications.
For a live demo, check out an online reasoning example.
Handy client widgets use smart server tools
Reasoning in Web browsers consists of two parts:
- a browser widget offering an intuitive graphical interface
- a reasoner server that performs the actual reasoning task
The widget and the reasoner communicate to deliver the reasoning experience.

We create free and open reasoning resources
We strive to make reasoning freely available for everyone.
This is why we develop several open source projects:
- EyeClient is a browser widget for the EYE reasoner server.
- EyeServer is a server for the EYE reasoner.
- node-n3 is an N3 library for JavaScript.
Furthermore, we create free interactive courses on reasoning:
- Semantic Web Reasoning with EYE is a comprehensive introduction.
Reasoning drives our research.
This initiative started as part of the PhD research of Ruben Verborgh, conducted at Multimedia Lab under supervision of dr. Erik Mannens and prof. dr. Rik Van de Walle.
We use reasoning in several of our projects. One example is RESTdesc, a functional Web API description format. By making reasoning tools accessible, we can boost people's interest in our work and reasoning in general.
We would like to thank everyone who stimulates us to continue this effort. Our gratitude goes out to Jos De Roo, author of the EYE reasoner.
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